Post-Graduation Outcomes

Every year, we try to find out what the graduating senior class* is doing after leaving Georgetown. We get our information primarily from responses to a survey we distribute to members of the class and we supplement that information with data we get from LinkedIn, academic departments and employers.

We summarize our findings in the reports below, which are full of data on employment, grad school and service activities of Georgetown graduates.

Class of 2023 Post-Graduation Report

View our class of 2023 report.

Class of 2023 Highlights

1,740GraduatesNumber of graduates in the Class of 2023
75%Knowledge RateThe number of 2023 graduates for whom we have post-grad information
94.4%Career Outcomes RateThe percentage of class members who secured an opportunity, such as a job, a fellowship or were admitted to grad school

Class of 2022

Our Class of 2022 report is now available.

Class of 2022 Takeaways

1,685GraduatesNumber of graduates in the Class of 2022
78.1%Knowledge RateThe number of 2022 graduates for whom we have post-grad information
96.9%Success RateThe percentage of class members who secured an opportunity, such as a job, a fellowship or were admitted to grad school

Class of 2021

Our Class of 2021 post-graduation outcomes report is now available.

Class of 2020

Class of 2019

Earlier Reports

Class of 2011

Class of 2010

Class of 2009

Class of 2008

Class of 2007

Class of 2006

Class of 2005

*We define the senior class as the bachelors-level graduates of Georgetown College, McDonough School of Business, School of Nursing, the School of Health, and the Walsh School of Foreign Service.