Engaging with Hoyas

As an employer, you have a variety of ways to engage with Georgetown students, including career fairs, information sessions, coffee chats, office hours, and through one-on-one interviews.

The first step to recruiting at Georgetown is to become an approved employer on Handshake. To do so, please log in, set up an account (if you don’t have one already), and request to connect to Georgetown. If you are approved, you can engage with Hoyas in any or all of the methods listed below.

Graduate degree programs are not permitted to host recruitment events through the Cawley Career Education Center.

The Cawley Career Education Center accepts employer events through Handshake.

Looking for more ways to engage? Please see recommended options below. Also, feel free to reach out to our Employer Relations Team.

Career Fairs

Georgetown University offers a variety of career fairs to help you engage with students that meet your needs. The following is a list of upcoming career fairs. All registrations can be done through Handshake and fees vary by fair.

Learn more about upcoming career fairs.

Employer Information Sessions, Coffee Chats, and Office Hours

Employer events are offered during the following timeframe:

  • Fall 2024: September 3 – November 22
  • Spring 2025: January 13 – April 24

Any of the below events can take place virtually or in-person; whatever is more convenient for the employer.

  • Information sessions are presentations delivered to a group of students. They offer employers the chance to share information about their organization, roles they are hiring for, application processes and deadlines, and much more. It’s a good way for employers whose organization name is established on campus to share a lot of information with many students in a shorter amount of time, usually 45 minutes to an hour. Information sessions can be scheduled for 5 p.m. or 7 p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
    • 2024–2025 Fees for In-Person Information Sessions at the Cawley Career Center: $250 (fees for spaces across campus may vary). Virtual Information Sessions are Free. Government, education, and nonprofit organizations have up to three free events per semester before incurring a charge.
  • Coffee Chats – also known as informational interviews or office hours – are one-on-one or small group appointments in which students choose a 15-30 minute time slot to meet with a representative of an employer. These are opportunities for students to learn more about the firm, to ask questions in a small setting, and to network. This format works well when employers want a schedule to follow, or when gathering enough students for an information session is not guaranteed. Employers can use the interview scheduling function in Handshake, or can use a scheduling system of their own to create a coffee chat schedule. Coffee chats can take place between 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
    • 2024–2025 Fees for in-person coffee chats/office hours at the Cawley Career Center: $150 (fees for spaces across campus may vary). Virtual coffee chats/office hours are free. There is no cost for government, education, and non-profit organizations.

Request dates and times for either information sessions or coffee chats on Handshake. There is no fee for virtual information sessions or coffee chats while in-person employer events will encounter a limit to the number of students that may participate as well as a room rental fee.

  • Tabling. Tabling is your opportunity to meet with students ad-hoc. A six-foot table is placed in front of our office in the main thoroughfare of the Leavey Center for your use for a short or long period of time, which you determine. Prime foot traffic hours are between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
    • There is no charge for tabling for any organization.

For coffee chats, office hours, in-person events and tabling requests, please reach out to Bryan Jefferson at brj9@georgetown.edu.

On-Campus Interviewing Program

We welcome employers to interview candidates one-on-one, either in-person or virtually. There is no charge for on-campus interviewing. We encourage employers to schedule interviews within the following timeframes:

  • Fall 2024: September 3 – November 22
  • Spring 2025: January 13 – April 24

You can make interview requests on Handshake. If you have questions, contact Bryan Jefferson at brj9@georgetown.edu.

Email, Social Media, and Newsletters

Georgetown students are active email and newsletter readers. Our most effective methods of communication are these two channels and our social media presence is building. Each week we send out a general newsletter to all undergraduates, and students also have the opportunity to opt-in to specific industry newsletters, including a Business, Finance & Consulting newsletter; Government, Education & Non-Profit newsletter, Creative Industries newsletter; Health & Science newsletter; Tech newsletter; and Pre-Law newsletter.

Student Groups & Clubs

Many employers want to connect directly with student groups and clubs. We understand that these organizations offer a targeted audience based on student interest and can be an effective way for employers to market their open positions. However there are a few things about Georgetown student groups and clubs you should keep in mind:

  • Student leaders change each year. Keep in mind that student clubs are only as organized as their student leaders, which change from year to year. Some clubs are very effective some years, while others are effective in other years.
  • Some Georgetown clubs are application-based, meaning that they are exclusive to select students. Connecting with student groups sometimes means that you might be missing out on great student candidates who were not accepted into the club, for whatever reason.

Each September, the Cawley Career Education Center will reach out to clubs to ask if we may share their contact information. Some clubs are responsive to our outreach and some are not. And for those who are responsive, not all clubs want to share their contact information. We will share what contact information we can with our employers, but understand that students are students first, and are often inundated with employer requests. We ask that you funnel your opportunities through our channels, and we will do our best to match you with the target audience most appropriate for your firm.

You may also use the Campus Groups feature to find general contact information for student groups, but please note that not all student groups choose to display public-facing contact details.

Tips for Maximizing Your Reach Across Campus

College students are busy, and Hoyas are no exception. Classes, student clubs, athletics, internships, and part-time jobs fill the days of our students. As such, we recommend the following approaches to make the most of your time and efforts in recruiting Georgetown students.

  • Schedule your events in the first half of the semester. As mid-terms and end-of-semester activities ramp up in the middle and end of each semester, students tend to spend less time on recruiting and more time on academics. This means that September, October, January, February, and early March are the best times to conduct recruiting events in-person.
  • Shorten your application deadlines. You may want to keep your job deadlines open and accept applications on a rolling basis, but students are used to deadlines (think paper and project due dates). As a result, employers tend to see the highest number of applications within the last 48 -72 hours before an application’s deadline. You can always extend or re-post your position if you don’t see the applications you are looking for, but we recommend a deadline of two weeks from the posting date.
  • Schedule events within the application time frame. Hoyas prefer virtual or in-person coffee chats/ one-on-one informational interviews. Schedule some time to talk to students before your job application deadline. Students can then ask questions related to the job posting. Both employers and students tend to find these conversations most productive.
  • It takes three recruiting cycles to brand yourself on campus. Companies new to Georgetown often struggle to compete with large, multi-national companies who have recruited on campus for years. We find new employers do best when they:
    • Focus on recruiting a small number for their first internship/full-time job cycle,
    • Ask past interns/alumni to help recruit Hoyas for the second round of internships/full-time offers, and
    • Work with the Cawley Career Center to extend the company’s reach beyond student clubs on campus.
  • Work with the employer relations team to advertise your job opportunities. Contact us at careercenter@georgetown today!