Creative Opportunities Newsletter
Posted in Announcements News | Tagged Creative Fields, Creative Fields Newsletter
September 2, 2022 – Upcoming Events, Opportunities & Resources

From the Advisor: Welcome back!
Hello Hoyas! Welcome back to DC, where it’s hot and humid inside and outside the classroom. Dearly hoping you are staying cool – and still feeling somewhat rested from the summer. We have A LOT going on at Cawley. Here in the arts, media and marketing world, we have some fun upcoming events and the opening of the GEMA externship application. Let’s crack into it.
Website Note
You are currently viewing a shortened version of this newsletter, leaving out the events and job opportunities from that time. To see the full version, click here.

Please note that this is a sampling of jobs and internships with approaching application deadlines. Go to Handshake to see the complete list.

Welcome to The Work Day, a series that charts a single day in various women’s working lives — from gallery owners to chief executives.
In this installment, we hear from Sally Tallant, a museum director who recorded a day in August.
– The Washington Post-

Industry Advisor: Jacki Banks
Please Note! Summer drop-ins end Friday, August 12. Fall drop-ins begin Wednesday, August 24.Summer 1:1 appointments end Friday, August 12. Fall 1:1 appointments begin Monday, August 29.
Online Resources:
Writing Resumes & Cover Letters
Networking Skills
Interviewing Skills
Industry Resources
What can I do with my major?