Creative Opportunities Newsletter
Posted in Announcements News | Tagged Creative Fields, Creative Fields Newsletter
April 21, 2023 – Upcoming Events, Opportunities & Resources

From the Advisor:
For those of you still on the hunt for a summer internship, fear not! Scroll, scroll to the bottom of the newsletter for the latest in internships, fellowships and rotational programs.
Also, I have some good news to share. Yours truly has been granted a sabbatical to study recruitment trends among our top employers. I will have so much knowledge to share when I return! Until then, here are some details and next steps for you.
- My sabbatical will run from Monday, April 24th through Friday, June 30th. I will be reviewing my email periodically.
- Spring drop-ins are M/T/Thu/Fri from 1-3pm at the Cawley Career Education Center, and Wed, 1-3pm virtual. Summer drop-ins will begin the week of May 29th. Please refer to the Cawley website for details.
- One on one appointments will resume the week of July 2nd.
- Resources: Be sure to check out my past newsletters, my previous programming, and Hoya Gateway for industry insight and access to alumni.
Seniors, I have loved working with you over the past four years! Please drop me a line to let me know what you’re up to and where you’re going. First years, second years and juniors, fear not! I will return in July. Until then…
Have a wonderful rest of the school year!
Website Note
You are currently viewing a shortened version of this newsletter, leaving out the events and job opportunities from that time. To see the full version, click here.

Please note that this is a sampling of jobs and internships with approaching application deadlines. Go to Handshake to see the complete list.

Is Sustainable Fashion Elitist?
Calling out the industry’s environmental footprint and the true cost of making clothes has touched off a complex and heated debate about the accessibility and affordability of lower-impact fashion.
Rachel Deeley – Business of Fashion

Industry Advisor: Jacki Banks
Drop-ins are held M-F from 1pm-3pm at the Cawley Career Education Center.
Undergraduates interested in a 1:1 with Jacki can schedule a 30-minute appointment via Handshake.
Online Resources:
Writing Resumes & Cover Letters
Networking Skills
Interviewing Skills
Industry Resources
What can I do with my major?