Creative Opportunities Newsletter
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July 19, 2022 – Upcoming Events, Opportunities & Resources

From the Advisor: Dog Days of Summer: Part 1
Here’s a fun bit of trivia for you. I was just sitting down to write my “From the Advisor” and I thought, “It’s just so HOT.” And that got me thinking of the expression “dog days of summer.” According to the National Geographic, “Ancient Greeks noticed that Sirus—which they dubbed the “dog star” as it is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major—appears to rise alongside the sun in late July. They believed the combined power of the stars is what made this the hottest time of year.”
Since the dog days span from July 3 through August 11; and, as my July and August newsletters come out during this timeframe, I’m calling them the Dog Days of Summer editions. In my head, at least.
This particular “Dog Days” edition finds me in reading, researching and reach out mode. I’m reading about employment trends, researching industry-specific issues and reaching out to employers and alumni. I love sharing my learning with you; so, without further ado, let’s get to it.

Top Companies 2022: Industry Edition: Oh, LinkedIn, how I love thee. So many resources under one digital roof. LI discusses their methodology further along in the article, but, in a nutshell: “The rankings, entirely based on unique LinkedIn data, reveal the companies that are investing in their employees and setting them up for long-term success.” As with all lists, use then as helpful guides in your job search; don’t be constrained by them.

Recruiter ghosting happens to us, too. This is SUCH a big one in the industries I advise. I feel for you, truly; and I feel for the recruiters, too. Unlike some of Georgetown’s other big industries (ahem, looking at you consulting and finance ;-)) many arts, media and marketing employers are just not staffed for the volume of applications they receive. And they don’t have the budget – or the number of people – to do tailored information sessions or 1:1 coffee chats. For example, here is a message I received from Big Media Employer three weeks after my initial email inviting them to an event:
Hi Jacki,
Thanks for reaching out! Our apologies for the delayed response. At this time we are unable to participate because we currently don’t have the bandwidth to conduct individual info sessions for schools. However, We have informational sessions coming up in the fall and we encourage that your students sign up for our Student Talent Community, which provides updates on upcoming internship applications and student events.
Big Media Employer
That is not an unusual response. So, what to do? Exactly what they advise. Many employers allow you to set job alerts. Job alerts will ping you when a job/internship in your interest area becomes available. For many big employers, job alerts also include information on when they will be conducting virtual information sessions or attending career fairs in your area.

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Did that catch your attention? Excellent. Billy Gleeson, Production Supervisor at The Late Show created Starting Up in Television during the pandemic. He has held countless sessions on networking, resume and cover letter writing and general advice. I highly recommend you join the group if you are interested in media generally, HERE is his latest post on interview red flags.
Have a wonderful July! The creative newsletter will return in August.
Website Note
You are currently viewing a shortened version of this newsletter, leaving out the events and job opportunities from that time. To see the full version, click here.

Please note that this is a sampling of jobs and internships with approaching application deadlines. Go to Handshake to see the complete list.

Summer Movies 2022: Here’s What’s Coming to Theaters and Streaming
A Marvel god, a few new dinosaurs and a Jordan Peele enigma lead our list of the 101 most interesting movies headed your way this season.
– The New York Times –

Industry Advisor: Jacki Banks
Drop-ins are held virtually from 1-2pm Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting June 2.
Undergraduates interested in a 1:1 with Jacki can schedule a 30-minute appointment via Handshake.
Online Resources:
Writing Resumes & Cover Letters
Networking Skills
Interviewing Skills
Industry Resources
What can I do with my major?