Pre-Law Opportunities Newsletter
Posted in Announcements News | Tagged pre-law
August 18, 2022 – Upcoming Events, Opportunities & Resources

I hope everyone’s summers are winding down nicely. With summer’s end comes the law school application cycle and I’m increasingly receiving inquiries on a number of subjects with regard to law school applications. Foremost, people are concerned with personal statements. Each year, these portions of applications elicit the most anxiety. But have no fear, we’ll get through this together.
To begin with, make sure you consult our personal statement tutorial (nestled among our other wonderfully helpful tutorials). And as you write, keep in mind that you should strive to answer a simple question: How did you come to believe that law school and a legal career are for you? Tell a story with you as the main character. Focus on anecdotes, emotions, and realizations (i.e., keep it personal). This is NOT a cover letter. Professional skills and positions are not the name of the game. Though jobs and internships can certainly factor into your tale, emphasize their personal aspects: how they molded your perspective and what they made you realize. To help you understand the proper structure and tone of a law school personal statement, check out examples of past successful statements (here and here). And, as always, reach out to your friendly neighborhood Pre-Law Advisor if you have any questions or concerns.

Website Note
You are currently viewing a shortened version of this newsletter, leaving out the events and job opportunities from that time. To see the full version, click here.

Please note that this is a sampling of jobs and internships with approaching application deadlines. Go to Handshake to see the complete list.

Please note that this is a sampling of jobs and internships with approaching application deadlines. Go to Handshake to see the complete list.

What You Should do in Your First Week of Law School
(Lawyer Monthly) In this article, you’re going to learn survival tips for freshmen law students. (Read More)

Industry Advisor:
Andreas Kuersten
Online Resources:
Writing Resumes & Cover Letters
Networking Skills
Interviewing Skills
Industry Resources
What Can I Do with My Georgetown Major?
Industry Advising Appointments:
Visit Handshake to schedule an appointment with your industry advisor.
Summer Drop-in Hours: Virtual on Tuesday and Thursday from 1–2PM.