Pre-Law Opportunities Newsletter
Posted in Announcements News | Tagged pre-law
April 13, 2023 – Upcoming Events, Opportunities & Resources

Hello Hoyas!
Let me introduce myself. My name is Andrea Lewis (she/her) and I am the new pre-law advisor in the Cawley Career Education Center. I’m originally from Nashville, TN and moved to the DC area four years ago. I took this position because I’m a huge proponent of strong and accessible career advising at the institutional level. My overall aim is to be an equal-opportunity resource for all pre-law students and alumni of Georgetown. I’m here for you!
~Waitlist Season~ It’s typically the time of year when applicants have heard back from most or all of the schools that they’ve applied to. This application cycle is a bit of an anomaly. Many law schools are putting a larger number of applications on the waitlist than in years past. What does this mean for applicants?
The short answer is: take a deep breath and get comfy with waiting. If your application has been placed on a waitlist, then you’re not out of the game just yet! You should send a LOCI, or letter of continued interest, to the admissions department of each school that you would still consider attending. This should be a very short letter to express your appreciation for still being under consideration and your desire to attend the school if admitted. You can also include specific aspects of the school that make you particularly interested in studying law there. If applicable, also send along relevant information that was not part of your initial application, e.g. transcript with Fall 2022 grades.
After that, you’re playing the waiting game. But that’s not *all* you can do. Frolic in the sun! Go down an internet rabbit hole! Eat a taco! Revel in the splendor of spring! Etc. you get it.
Lastly, and most importantly, be encouraged! This application cycle is unprecedented, and no one in the industry knows exactly how it will shake out. There may be a lot of movement on the waitlists after deposit deadlines; there may not. Your application could be denied one year but admitted the next. Whatever happens, be assured that there are many, many paths to law school and I am here to help you find your own path.
You are currently viewing a shortened version of this newsletter, leaving out the events and job opportunities from that time. To see the full version, click here.

Shall We Chat About ChatGPT?
(Above the Law)
Much legal work is now done by artificial means. While AI and ChatGPT are useful tools, lawyers should be careful about relying on these methods.

Industry Advisor:
Andrea Lewis
Online Resources:
Writing Resumes & Cover Letters
Networking Skills
Interviewing Skills
Industry Resources
What Can I Do with My Georgetown Major?
Industry Advising Appointments:
Visit Handshake to schedule an appointment with your industry advisor.
Drop-in Hours:
In-Person, Monday – Friday from 1–3PM