Pre-Law Opportunities Newsletter
Posted in Announcements News | Tagged pre-law
February 10, 2022 – Upcoming Events, Opportunities & Resources

Whether or not to attend law school, and which law school to attend, is a big decision, and these choices entail large commitments in terms of time, energy, and money. Currently, the average debt for a law school graduate is $160,000, resulting from both tuition costs and living expenses. Accordingly, when deciding whether to go to law school and which one to attend, most individuals, properly, consider costs and financial aid and scholarship packages. Yet less attention is paid to historical data that can reveal one’s career prospects and earning potential following graduation from a specific law school. Sure, a school’s ranking can be a good proxy for ascertaining how one will fair on the job market, both in terms of types and locations of jobs upon graduation, but this metric is rather inexact. I therefore highly recommend making a website called Law School Transparency an integral part of your law school review process. The organization compiles reports on every American law school detailing employment information from recent graduates of these institutions. This can help you understand what sorts of positions graduates of a given school typically procure upon graduation, salaries, and where in the country they go. Thus, you can better understand where you, as a graduate of a given school, will have the best chances of ending up and the professional value of a degree. Certainly, this data does not mean you cannot attain positions that are not often attained by graduates of specific schools, but it is helpful information in determining whether a school is the best one to get you where you want to go.
Be well!
Website Note
You are currently viewing a shortened version of this newsletter, leaving out the events and job opportunities from that time. To see the full version, click here.
Article of the Week

(ABA Journal) February is Black History Month, a time to honor the heritage and triumphs of African American people. With a legal angle in mind, the ABA Journal chose to recognize 14 groundbreaking Black lawyers. Read Here
Career Center Resources
Industry Advisor:
Andreas Kuersten
Writing Resumes & Cover Letters
Networking Skills
Interviewing Skills
What Can I Do with My Georgetown Major?
Virtual Drop-Ins:
Drop-in Hours: Drop-ins are virtual Monday through Friday from 1–3PM.
Appointments: Virtual appointments are available via Handshake. Sign up under ‘Career Center,’ then ‘Appointments’, then ‘Industry Advising,” then ‘Government, Nonprofit, and Education’.