Tech & Analytics Newsletter

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February 22, 2023 – Upcoming Events, Opportunities & Resources

ALUM SPOTLIGHT: Alex Chen  | Major: Computer Science and Minors: Economics & Math | Software Engineer at Google

What activities did you participate in while attending GU that you found the most valuable and why? As part of the Corp’s IT department, I got to apply coding experience to actual projects and understand how software development works. I also worked with the McCourt School of Public Policy’s Massive Data Institute where I performed data analysis work on COVID misinformation on Twitter. This opportunity introduced me to data science as a field and in academia. At Appian, I got to experience what software engineers do in a real workplace, learn about the software development life cycle, understand the different roles in a technology company, and confirm that I enjoyed software engineering work.

What does a typical day or week look like and/or can you briefly explain the tasks involved in your work? As part of the Chrome Enterprise team, most of my work revolves around designing and working on features for Chrome Browser that are used by businesses around the world. My typical day is a mix of team meetings and individual engineering work which involves reviewing and documenting legacy code behavior in the chromium open-source project and writing code for the project. 

What surprised you the most when you started working? You really have to take ownership of your mission and goals. Since your career is ultimately in your hands, make sure you’re seeking out growth opportunities and spending time to understand what you enjoy and dislike doing. Working gives you more flexibility to explore and measure your own success by your own metrics. It’s easy to get overwhelmed because of this, but it’s something you learn to figure out!

What are the best ways for students to learn more about your industry and/or stay abreast of trends in your industry? Talk to people! The industry is huge and there are so many roles from engineering to marketing to product management and more. Big tech companies have robust resources on their career websites which can give you a glimpse into the different roles in the industry. Don’t hesitate to reach out to alumni in the industry — we enjoy talking to and helping younger students looking to get into the industry. 

Thank you, Alex, for sharing your experience.

All the best,
Jodi Schneiderman |
Assistant Director, Employer Relations and Industry Advising | Health, Science, and Technology

Website Note

You are currently viewing a shortened version of this newsletter, leaving out the events and job opportunities from that time. To see the full version, click here.

Please note that this is a sampling of jobs and internships with approaching application deadlines. Go to Handshake to see the complete list.

Please note that this is a sampling of jobs and internships with approaching application deadlines. Go to Handshake to see the complete list.

Who’s Hiring In Tech? Here’s A List Of Recently Funded Companies With Open Roles Right Now

Source: Crunchbase News

Layoffs have hit the tech sector hard in the past year, but plenty of companies are still hiring. Who is hiring in Tech? Check this list of funded startups that are actively hiring for multiple open positions and have not conducted reported layoffs. 

Industry Advisor:
Jodi Schneiderman

Online Resources:
Writing Resumes & Cover Letters
Networking Skills
Interviewing Skills
What Can I Do with My Georgetown Major?

Drop-In Hours
Drop-ins are MTThF, 1-3pm, in person at Cawley, One Leavey, and virtual 1-3pm on Wednesday, and 6:30-7:30pm on Tuesday and Thursday. 

Appointments: Virtual and in-person appointments are available via Handshake. Sign up under ‘Career Center,’ then ‘Appointments’, then ‘Industry Advising,” then ‘Health, Science, and Technology’.