Tech & Analytics Newsletter: Timelines, Timelines, Timelines

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September 1, 2021 – Upcoming Events, Opportunities & Resources


Welcome back to Georgetown! I hope your fall semester is off to a smooth start. I often get asked about recruiting timelines in the tech industry. However, there is no simple answer as tech recruitment is not as structured as the consulting and finance industries. Here are a few aspects to keep in mind when it comes to timelines.

  • Mostly, it very much depends on the size of the technology company. The larger the company, the more robust their university recruiting strategies and the more likely they will start recruiting in fall.  For example, large companies such as Google, Oracle, Amazon, and IBM start posting positions in August and September.  Other tech companies, such as Spotify, may wait to post in November and December.  And while IBM and Oracle may start interviewing in the fall, many more will wait until January. The recruiting process may extend into late spring.  Mid-size and smaller companies are more likely to post positions in January and February, and tech startups are likely to start looking for candidates in March or April.
  • If you are interested in a functional role in tech and analytics, timelines may vary in terms of what industry you decide to pursue.  Certainly, many tech folks or data analysts work in other industries, from healthcare to government to finance.  Most often, recruitment will still follow the rule above.  In general, a lot of recruitment will take place in the spring, such as in the government and healthcare sectors, to name a few.  As many of you know, analyst roles within finance and consulting recruit primarily in the fall.  And one last example to demonstrate this variability – KPMG posted data scientist roles in the fall and software and cybersecurity roles in the spring during one recruitment season.

In summary, it is not a black and white answer because recruiting activity varies widely by the industry and company size, not to mention the role you are seeking.  And remember:  people leave organizations all the time for other jobs and those positions (some being entry-level) will need to get filled when this occurs. Start by creating an advanced search (or multiple) on Handshake and then save that particular search in order to receive notifications for newly posted jobs or internships that fit your criteria.  Also attend drop-ins and/or visit with an industry advisor to discuss job and internship strategies beyond Handshake.

All the best,
Jodi Schneiderman |
Assistant Director, Employer Relations and Industry Advising | Health, Science, and Technology

Website Note

You are currently viewing a shortened version of this newsletter, leaving out the events and job opportunities from that time. To see the full version, click here.

Article of the Week

Top 2021 Companies – And What They Look For in Applicants

Source: LinkedIn

LinkedIn developed a list of the Top 50  companies in 2021  to grow your career and many tech companies were listed and at the top including Amazon (1), Alphabet (2), IBM (6), and Apple (8). Criteria included ability to advance, skills growth, company stability, external opportunity, company affinity, gender diversity and educational background.  As a follow up, LinkedIn shared the traits some of those companies said they’re looking for in future employees .  Some of these companies included tech companies, such as Amazon, Facebook, and Google.

Career Center Resources

Industry Advisor:
Jodi Schneiderman

Online Resources:

Writing Resumes & Cover Letters
Networking Skills
Interviewing Skills
Industry Resources
What Can I Do with My Georgetown Major?

Virtual Drop-Ins: 
Drop-ins are Monday-Friday between 1-3 pm via Get connected with an advisor for a 15-minute meeting on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Appointments: Virtual appointments are available via Handshake. Sign up under ‘Career Center,’ then ‘Appointments’, then ‘Industry Advising,” then ‘Health, Science, and Technology’.