Virtual Immersions & Experiential Work (VIEW)

Your support allows us to provide $500 stipends so that every student can participate in at least one skill-building, network-building, and resume-building micro-internship exclusively for Georgetown undergraduates.
If you would like to learn more about hosting a student for a micro-internships, please email for more information about the program, including sample projects, timelines, and how to submit a project.
Georgetown University’s Virtual Immersions & Experiential Work (VIEW) is a signature program that pairs students with alumni and friends of Georgetown for part-time, short-term virtual projects, or “micro-internships.”
VIEW came into being in March 2020 as a way to help connect students with professional experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, when many internships and other professional opportunities disappeared.
The program has been a resounding success, and we have learned that these short-term experiences make it possible for more students to develop professional skills, with enormous benefits for their career development.
Now that the country is opening back up, we want to continue to grow the program. By supporting VIEW, you’ll make it possible to connect even more students to more opportunities that might help them discover their paths.
VIEW Numbers to Date
How VIEW Works
Alumni and friends of Georgetown provide the projects and Cawley matches students who have the required skills and interest. These part-time projects—up to 50 hours of work across 2-to-6 weeks—are sometimes called “microinternships.” Micro-internships can be in any functional area and in any industry and should be an opportunity for students to grow their skills.
Sample Experiences
Marketing/Social Media Projects
“Looking for content creator to develop a social media campaign for audience in healthcare. It is not necessary to have a healthcare background, but we are looking for a student who is passionate to make an impact for the elderly.”
Research & Analysis Projects
“Research and write a series of articles focused on marketing and business development tools tailored to the sports industry. Students may also work on grant proposals. Articles will be published in company’s digital resource center.”
Writing & Editing Projects
“Seeking multiple students to help us with grant proposal writing for 5 hours per week. Preferred qualifications: Some interest in and familiarity with economics, political science, or activism.”
Project Sponsor Reflections
“After having hosted dozens of interns throughout the lifetime of this company, we can confidently say that the VIEW program is one of the most organized, best focused, and most thought-through programs we’ve ever seen. We’ve worked with schools like UVA, VA Tech, GMU, William & Mary, along with younger students through Fairfax County Public Schools and the local Catholic School Diocese. Georgetown’s VIEW program met the virtual demands of COVID and necessity for students to acquire new learning experiences in a clearly defined and practical way. As a Georgetown alum, and having had a fantastic experience with my own education, it is no surprise to me that this program is this good. I hope that VIEW will become a regular opportunity for students going forward because a truncated and virtual mentorship is a useful addition to undergraduate work and good use of available resources.”
Penelope, Express Search
Student Reflections
173 Georgetown University students from various academic backgrounds and career interests
participated in projects from alumni and friends of Georgetown. Check out what some of our student participants had to say about the VIEW program
“I have never been in an internship position before where I spent this much time doing actual meaningful work, making this such a valuable experience overall!”
NHS Student, Class of 2021
“I’m really happy Georgetown offered this experience because I think it’s a great way to build professional experience and work on communication in an ‘office’ setting.”
SFS Student, Class of 2023
“I am so grateful for the VIEW experience! It has been a really valuable opportunity for me to get experience within an industry I might not have had access to otherwise…my sponsor and direct project supervisor have been incredible mentors and teachers to me. Over the past month I have been able to strengthen skills I already had as well as gain insight into how the company and the industry work as a whole.”
COL Student, Class of 2022
Your support allows us to provide $500 stipends so that every student can participate in at least one skill-building, network-building, and resume-building micro-internship exclusively for Georgetown undergraduates.
If you would like to learn more about hosting a student for a micro-internships, please email for more information about the program, including sample projects, timelines, and how to submit a project.