Business Newsletter

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July 26, 2023 – Business: Upcoming Events, Opportunities, and Resources

Business – Upcoming Events, Opportunities and Resources

Hey Hoyas!

Hope you’re enjoying your summer! No matter what you’re up to these months–summer classes, summer babysitting younger cousins, summer jobs–I hope you find some time to relax with friends and family.

Consulting recruitment is underway for rising juniors and seniors and will pick up when you return to campus in August. Some key points to take into account:

  • Almost all the consulting firms that regularly hire from Georgetown will recruit at the start of the Fall semester (late August thru mid-October).
  • During the Fall, it is critical that you attend firms’ virtual & in-person events  to be a competitive candidate. Take the time to network  with a few company representatives while you’re there. Most Fall events will become visible in Handshake by the end of August.
  • Read up on two resources we have to practice with: Our consulting industry guide  and our 6-week preparation “course.”

Regarding the 6-week “course,” we know that even in the summer you can be busy. The course’s syllabus is sequenced so that you can prepare yourself in manageable chunks each week until the start of Fall. But by all means, feel free to jump ahead if you have the time.

We’ve got 1 month til the end of summer. Make the most of it before we see each other on the Hilltop!

Hoya Saxa,

Patrick Denenea (he/him)
Manager, Employer Relations and Industry Advising
Cawley Career Education Center, Georgetown University

Website Notes

You are currently viewing a shortened version of this newsletter, leaving out the events and job opportunities from that time. To see the full version, click here.

Resource of the Week:

Upcoming Events

Please note that this is a sampling of jobs and internships with approaching application deadlines. Go to Handshake to see the complete list.

Jobs and Internships

Please note that this is a sampling of jobs and internships with approaching application deadlines. Go to Handshake to see the complete list.