Pre-Law Opportunities Newsletter
Posted in Announcements News | Tagged pre-law
June 29, 2023 – Upcoming Events, Opportunities & Resources

Hello my lovelies!
Law school application season is fast approaching and I’m meeting more of you every day! First of all, love the enthusiasm. Keep it coming. Secondly, for those I haven’t met yet, here is an intro from the Cawley website to the basics: the law school application components and a timeline of events.
And to address my second most frequently asked question: yes, you have to take the LSAT. I know, it is *the worst*. Even if you kind of get into it like I did, it’s expensive and time-consuming and very gatekeepy. But LSAC caps the number of students that law schools can admit with just a GRE score. So you’re ~statistically~ hurting your own chances if you abstain.
My first most frequently asked question is: Ms. Lewis, how even does a person start writing a personal statement??? To that I say, please, call me Andrea. (Unless you are a fellow Southerner, in which case I get it, carry on.)
Personal statements are hard. But they can also be great, injecting some much-needed flavor and showing a side of you otherwise missing from the application. And I think the key is not to try to distill your entire personality into two, double-spaced pages. Instead, maybe try this.
- Narrow the scope.
- Choose one or two positive aspects of yourself that you want to communicate.
- Then choose one or two experiences/interests/activities/background details that illustrate them.
- Explore how you think your thoughts and feel your feelings.
- How were your qualities enhanced? Challenged? Used or rendered less useful?
- How did those experiences fit with those of your past and present? What did you expect? How was that different from what happened?
- How did you feel about yourself/family/academic subject/social issue before college? How does that relate? How has it changed?
- Get to the so what.
- Why does this matter in the grand scheme of your life? What kind of person do you want to be? Who do you want to serve and how?
- How will law school help you get there?
As you start to brainstorm these kinds of questions, then topics and format will start to take shape. Here is one PS guide with examples of the finished project that I often share. And remember, as always, I’m here to help at any stage of the writing process. Go team!
You are currently viewing a shortened version of this newsletter, leaving out the events and job opportunities from that time. To see the full version, click here.

Law School Introduces Hologram Witness in Mock Trial
(ABA Journal)
The William & Mary Law School in Virginia has spent the past four months experimenting with hologram witnesses—and recently brought them before judges in the courtroom.

Industry Advisor:
Andrea Lewis
Online Resources:
Writing Resumes & Cover Letters
Networking Skills
Interviewing Skills
Industry Resources
What Can I Do with My Georgetown Major?
Industry Advising Appointments:
Visit Handshake to schedule an appointment with your industry advisor.
Drop-in Hours:
In-Person, Monday – Friday from 1–3PM