Nonprofit Careers

In the DC area, nonprofit organizations cover a field as varied as the students that come into our office. Think tanks, policy, research and advocacy organizations are incredibly popular among our students, and have opportunities for almost any policy interest or professional skill set. If you have an issue you are passionate about, chances are you will find a local nonprofit or advocacy organization that also shares your views. At Georgetown, nonprofit opportunities also include post-graduation service opportunities, which are also incredibly popular with the student body.

Information Gathering

A number of options exist for students interested in a career in nonprofits. Determining which organization is best for you requires research and exploration.

Some popular sites to help you explore the multifaceted world of nonprofits include:

Making Connections

Attend employer information sessions, industry events – on and off-campus — and connect with the local chapter of popular professional organizations. Professional associations host a variety of professional development, educational, and networking events. If the cost of membership is prohibitive, contact leadership and ask if there are sliding scale prices for students. Volunteering for a conference, educational, or social event is another great way to connect with leaders in the industry. In fact, to be successful in a career in government (any level) requires that you make good use of your network, as it is often the way to find out about incredible opportunities.

Develop a LinkedIn profile that communicates your personal and professional brand. Joining groups related to your industry is a great way to meet new people, find mentors, contacts, and ask questions. Reach out to alumni through Hoya Gateway, Georgetown University’s alumni page on LinkedIn, and via Georgetown University’s Alumni Career Network. The Cawley website provides helpful guidelines on networking and LinkedIn shares tips for building your student profile.

Take advantage of the informational interview! This is a great way to build your professional network and explore career opportunities or paths that you may not have known about before. Check out Cawley’s guide to Informational Interviews.

Cawley’s Youtube page has a variety of videos on networking, resume and cover letter writing, and general career exploration for you.

Industry Exploration

Preparing Materials

Your resume should be one page. Use strong action verbs and focus on your skills and accomplishments to show (not just tell) an employer that you have the required abilities. Be concise. Be energetic, intelligent and aware when writing cover letters. Use specific examples to demonstrate your skills and abilities. 

Much like careers in government, a connection to the mission and purpose of a nonprofit organization is often as important as the individual skills and talents you bring to the team.

The purpose of a cover letter is to convince someone to interview you. For more on cover letters and resumes, see our cover letter and resume section on our website.


Internships enable you to gain valuable professional experience prior to graduation. If you are having a difficult time finding a full-time job after graduation you may also want to consider a post-graduation internship or fellowship, which is quite common in these industries, and often leads to full-time employment.

Select Employers and Internships

Service Organizations:

Think Tanks:

Advocacy, Associations, and Lobbying Organizations:

Joining a club at your school is another excellent way to learn more about the industry, develop your skills, and get hands-on experience. 

Georgetown offers a number of opportunities for Hoyas to get involved. Alpha Phi Omega and Alternative Breaks Program are just two examples.

Join a group based on a personal interest and develop your professional skills, or to see if you enjoy being in a classroom. 

For example, the Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching and Service has a number of partnerships with nonprofit organizations throughout the DC area that enable you to get experience in a cause you can support.